Yellow Hourly Time Sheet Guide

From Mike Yerky and the Executive Committee

This time sheet shall be informational and provide a couple examples of what kind of information is required and how to fill it out before the principal signs off on it and forwards it to Karen Barden in HR. 

It is not meant to cover ALL and every single individual circumstance, but should rather be viewed as a guideline to help everybody involved in their particular situation.

Here are some more specifics in general pertaining to High and Middle Schools:

If a substitute is pulled to TEACH a class outside the absent teacher’s schedule, a yellow time sheet should be completed with .167 and the period number in the Description of Duties field. If more than one extra class is taught, add another .167 to that space. It should be signed by the school administrator and sent to Karen Barden at the board building. The same applies if a teacher’s daily schedule is already considered 1.167 (regular 1.0 would be 5 teaching classes plus a duty like cafeteria or study hall).

If a substitute is told to work outside the posted school (not class) hours, a yellow time sheet should be filled out (appropriate month and day) stating the minutes worked. An example would be after school bus duty. It should be signed by the school administrator and sent to Karen Barden at the board building. Payroll will figure out the pay.

More specifics in general pertaining to Elementary Schools:

If a substitute is pulled to work during their lunch or prep times, a yellow time sheet should be filled out (appropriate month and day) stating the time of the minutes worked. It should be signed by the school administrator and sent to Karen Barden at the board building. Payroll will figure out the pay.

If a substitute is told to work outside the posted school hours, a yellow time sheet should be filled out (appropriate month and day) stating the time of the minutes worked. It should be signed by the school administrator and sent to Karen Barden at the board building. Payroll will figure out the pay.